The Chandler Street Business Association has a new web site
Please see for more information on this dynamic group:>)
It is under construction but up and running as of today:>)
Lots of great stuff to be going up soon!
For the Chandler Street Business Association to effectively make us of the expertise and financial resource of local, state, federal and community groups for the implementation of programs that will maximize the economic potential of the Chandler Street Business District. This would include any funding provided through the NSRA Program
Please see for more information on this dynamic group:>)
I put this blog on my airport blog, but why can's we push for some smart cameras in the Chandler Street area?
I knew it had been some time since the last post, but over a year? What has transpired? The NRSA has been a complete bust:
In total I believe only approximately $50,000 has been spent of the first two years of allocations (think around $280,000). I will get accurate numbers on both of these over the next week. Has there not been any interest? Just the opposite, there is alot of interest.
Why has it stalled? There is nobody to handle the day to day administration of the plan. We have even gone to the point to hire a consultant to help with the daily implementation of the NRSA. Although this was recommended by City Of Worcester Economic Development Office and it is an eligiblue usage of CDBG monies according to HUD, our request has been denied.
What confuses me is that I thought it was up to us (Chandler Business Group and Common Ground) to determine how best to spend the funds, while following the HUD guidelines?